Mathematics and Statistics Support

Resources for Jamovi

Jamovi is a free easy to use statistical software which you can download from the Jamovi website. Choose the appropriate test depending on whether you have continuous , ordinal or nominal data and whether you are comparing different groups or repeated measurements of the same variable . For explanations of terminology for choosing the right test use our helpsheet, video or online test chooser . Download a list of links for all our Jamovi resources here .
Type of test Dependent (outcome) variable (s) Independent (explanatory) variable Parametric Test (assumptions met) Non-parametric (ordinal dependent or skewed) Two independent variables of the same type
Test for a difference between two measurements of the same variable per subject Continuous
Summary stats
Time point (before/after) or condition Paired t-test sheet Wilcoxon signed rank sheet Two-way repeated measures ANOVA or mixed between-within ANOVA if comparing groups
Test for a difference 3+ measurements of the same variable e.g. three time points Continuous 3+ Time points or conditions Repeated measures ANOVA Freidman test Two-way repeated measures ANOVA
Comparison of two independent groups Continuous
Summary stats
2 different groups (binary) Independent t-test
video or sheet
Mann-Whitney video or sheet Two-way ANOVA
video 1 , part 2, part 3
Comparison of 3+ independent groups Continuous
Summary stats
3+ different groups (nominal) One way ANOVA ANOVA video or sheet, ANOVA assumptions Kruskal-wallis video Two-way ANOVA
video 1 , part 2, part 3
Comparison of two or more independent groups 2+ different groups 2+ different groups Chi-squared test & data summary video Mann-Whitney (2 groups) or Kruskal-wallis (3+) Logistic regression (DV:binary, IV:binary or continuous)
Strength & significance of relationship Continuous Continuous (Correlation and scatterplot) Simple linear regression video or sheet Spearman's correlation but no regression alternative Multiple linear regression video (IV:binary or continuous)

Notes:A dependent variable is your main outcome of interest and most standard tests look at how one or more independent (explanatory or predictor) variables impact on a continuous dependent variable. Parametric tests usually assume that something is normally distributed whereas non-parametric tests can be used for ordinal dependent variables or very skewed data. Repeated measurements are when you have collected more than one measurement of the same variable at different time points or under different conditions e.g. weight before/after a diet or each person giving a taste score for two different cakes.
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