# PAIRED T TEST in R SCRIPT FILE. # www_statstutor_ac_uk Community Project. # Sofia Maria Karadimitriou Sheffield University. # Reviewed by Basile Marquier, University of Sheffield. # Dataset: Cholesterol.csv # Resource: PAIRED T TEST in R. #Open the cholesterol dataset which is saved as a csv file and call it cholA. #If your file is saved as a standard Excel file, save it as a csv file first. #You will need to change the command depending on where you have saved the file. # and what you called the file e.g.the dataset'stcp-Rdataset-cholesterol'is in the D drive. . #Header=T means that the first row contains variable headers. cholA<-read.csv("D:\\stcp-Rdataset-cholesterol.csv",header=T) #Look at the data. cholA #Tell R we are using the cholA dataset until further notice using attach. #This means that 'Before' can be used instead of cholA$Before. attach(cholA) #calculate means and standard deviations for cholesterol Before the diet and after 4 weeks #means of Before and After4weeks mu<-rbind(mean(Before),mean(After4weeks)) #standard deviation of pre and post marks sds<-rbind(sd(Before),sd(After4weeks)) #Combine in one table and give rownames. results1<-cbind(mu,sds) colnames(results1)<-c('Mean','SD') rownames(results1)<-c('Before','After4weeks') #Round and display the results round(results1,2) #To calculate the differences between the Cholesterol levels at the two time points. dif<-After4weeks-Before #To calculate the mean change in cholesterol mean(dif) sd(dif) #Checking assumptions. #The differences need to be normally distributed. #This can be checked using histograms, QQplots or tests (see Checking normality in R sheet). #Specify that two charts are needed next to each other. par(mfrow=c(1,2)) #Plot histogram for the difference in marks. hist(dif,main='Histogram for Difference in Cholesterol levels',xlab='Differences') #Plot QQplot for the difference in cholesterol levels. qqnorm(dif) #define the line in the x=y xis. The points have to be up or close to the line. qqline(dif,col='red') #Conduct the Shapiro-Wilk test. shapiro.test(dif) #If the differences are normally distributed, the t-test is valid. #Carry out the t-test. t.test(After4weeks,Before,paired=T) #If the t-test is significant, there is a difference between the cholesterol levels. #Finish by reporting what that difference is. #If the differences are very skewed, use the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test. #See the Wilcoxon resource for more details. wilcox.test(After4weeks,Before,paired=TRUE,exact=FALSE)